The zedboard was working all fine.
But suddenly the Power LED, DONE LED, does not turn ON when 12V adaptor is plugged in with Switch ON, whereas the LD0 to LD7 stays ON in red when the board is powered.
I checked for the voltage across the following Capacitors with a DMM while the Zedboard is powered:
C328, C329 or C330 ( should be 5V)
C334 or C335 ( should be 3.3V)
C351 or C352 ( should be 1.5V)
C365 or C366 ( should be 1.8V)
C356 or C357 ( should be 1V)
I also verified the fuse voltage F5 and the switch SW8
All of these measured as expected. Not sure what could have went wrong.
Could you suggest some more steps to troubleshoot?