Avnet is one of Microsoft's Azure Sphere training partners. We've developed lab documents that we use when training engineering teams to develop Azure Sphere applications. If you follow the Avnet Azure Sphere blogs here on Element14, you'll notice quite a bit of overlap with these documents. However, we thought it would be useful to provide access to these documents for anyone to use. These documents are always being updated and the links below will always point to the most recent document versions; all documents are versioned.
Feel free to add comments if you see any errors or have questions. Please include the document name and version with your comment.
Standard Labs
These are the basic labs that we presents at each training. Depending on the team and their POC plans we'll present either Lab-4 or Lab-5
Azure Sphere: Development Tools Lab 0
Azure Sphere: Prepare your Azure Sphere device for Development Lab 1
Quick and Dirty: Setup the Azure Sphere Development Environment
Azure Sphere: Running our First Application(DevX) Lab 2
Azure Sphere: Running our First Application (Guardian 100) Lab 2
Azure Sphere: High Level Application Architecture and Azure IoT Hub Features Lab 3
Azure Sphere: Getting Data to the Cloud Lab 4
Azure Sphere: Accelerating your Cloud Dashboard Implementation Lab 5
Azure Sphere: Over the Air Update Lab
Azure Sphere: Over the Air Update Deployment:Cheat Sheet
Additional Labs
The labs in this section have been developed to help teams that have specific POC goals.
Azure Sphere: Develop a POC application from Scratch