So I have updated the SDK for Visual Studio and the board using:
"azsphere device recover"
The board updated to OS version 20.03. Now when I try to enable debugging via:
"azsphere device edv"
I receive following error:
"error: The device did not accept the device capability configuration. Please check the Azure Sphere OS on your device is up to date using 'azsphere device show-deployment-status'."
show-deployment-status shows correctly OS version 20.03. I did the migration part and have tried reclaiming the device without any success. After that I have tried this method: but the board doesn't download the image on reboot so I have tried to put it into cloud test using:
"azsphere device ect -pn "My Product Name" -dgn "My Device Group Name""
But then I received following error:
"error: Could not send device capability configuration to device."
Did anyone had similar problem and found solution for it?