Hi friends,
Me and my sister had bought Avnet Azure Sphere devices; one for each. We were successful in setting up tenants (from our personal accounts) and claiming the devices. We were able to run a simple blink sketch on the Az sphere. Then we both became busy and forgot our Az spheres. Now recently I was doing project in Secure IoT and suddenly remembered Az sphere and tried to use it. I downloaded the latest SDK (not knowing the new changes) connected my Az sphere and tried to logged in with my account. But to my surprise it showed the following warning.
warn: You don't have access to any Azure Sphere tenants.
warn: Type 'azsphere tenant create --name <name>' or, if you have used Azure Sphere before, type 'azsphere tenant migrate'.
I tried migrating and was greeted with the following error:
At this point I asked my sis to give a try thinking that I was using the wrong account (Although I had the mail from microsoft regarding the creation of the active directory in my mailbox). She also a faced the exact same issue. Both of us can login into our Microsoft azure account and see an Active directory that is expired in our account.
What exactly is happening? More importantly how can we get over this issue?
Hope somebody here already knows what our issues is. I will be very happy and thankful if somebody can assist us.