Avnet recently released Vitis 2019.2 platforms for several of their hardware platforms.
These platforms also support the Vitis-AI flow from Xilinx.
Vitis-AI 1.1 flow for Avnet Vitis platforms - Part 1
Vitis-AI 1.1 flow for Avnet Vitis platforms - Part 2
This two part guide provides detailed instructions for targeting the Xilinx Vitis-AI 1.1 flow to the following Avnet Vitis 2019.2 platforms:
- Ultra96-V2 Development Board
- UltraZed-EV SOM (7EV) + FMC Carrier Card
- UltraZed-EG SOM (3EG) + IO Carrier Card
- UltraZed-EG SOM (3EG) + PCIEC Carrier Card
Mario Bergeron.