The header describes the function of this little gadget, plus I have been having persistent earworms lately (Tina Turner, this time
This is a little board, approx 1cm^2. It is intended to be used as a power toggle for breadboarded circuits (I have been wearing out my breadboards with too many insertions). I can now use two DC power rails on the breadboard for switched and unswitched power. Nifty, eh? The closest thing to a module like this was a gadget from Pololu, but it was larger, more expensive, and did not have the 100 mil centered form-factor.
The current load when turned on is 3.06mA (mostly the LED), while the load when turned off is unmeasurable with my crusty old B&K multimeter.
When I get rich and prosperous I am going to spring for a Fluke. You betcha.
Here are the top/bottom photos and the schematic: