I use LWIP and FreeRTOS like WEB server. It's OK. But now, I want send data to otger page for example by GET. Like this: http://www.page.com/p.php?json=1234
Can you help me please?
Here is my code:
portCHAR PAGE_BODY[512]; struct netconn *conn1 = NULL; struct ip_addr local_ip; struct ip_addr remote_ip; int rc1, rc2; strcat((char *) PAGE_BODY, "HTTP/1.0 "); strcat((char *) PAGE_BODY, "Method: POST\r\n"); strcat((char *) PAGE_BODY, "Server: Ethernet termostat\r\n"); strcat((char *) PAGE_BODY, "Content-Length: 9\r\n"); strcat((char *) PAGE_BODY, "json=1234\r\n\r\n"); strcat((char *) PAGE_BODY, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n\n"); /* Create a new TCP connection handle */ conn1 = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP); if (conn1!= NULL) { local_ip.addr = NULL; rc1 = netconn_bind ( conn1, &local_ip, 0 ); IP4_ADDR(&remote_ip, 46, 28, 105, 62); //remote_ip.addr = remote_ip; // static or by netconn_gethostbyname () rc2 = netconn_connect ( conn1, &remote_ip, 80 ); if ( rc1 != ERR_OK || rc2 != ERR_OK ) { netconn_write(conn1, PAGE_BODY, strlen(PAGE_BODY), NETCONN_COPY); netconn_delete ( conn1 ); } } else { printf("can not create netconn"); }