Hi all,
I just bought the TI development kit for investigating possibilities with LLC topology for a DC/DC converter.
Anyone having any experience from this kit?
Here's my story so far:
It was quite tricky to get the PC software going, but after switching from swedish to english in windows control panel, SW started.
I then connected 1 Ohm load and a 390VDC (adjustable).
Using the PC software I turned on the board and it started running. It was possible to adjust the output voltage approx. 10-14VDC.
By the PC SW it is possible to adjust some parameters and to enable/disable the use of synch rectification.
So I turned on the sync rect. feature, but then something happened and the converer stopped working, and is now dead!
MCU seems to be running, but no output is obatained, no matter if the sync rectification is on or off.
So board it seems to have broken ?!
Any thoughts about this ??