Hey everyone! I was working with Freescale's CodeWarrior and I got a little bit stucked...
When starting the IDE in Windows 7, the proram will work fine until a project is loaded at which point it will report an error:
CodeWarrior encountered an unhandled exception 0xc0000005 at address {different each time} (The memory at address {different random address} could not be read)
Location: IDE.EXE:{same as the first random address}
Crash dump written to MEM_FREE.b2830.20090320.122156A.dump
Choose 'Abort' to end the program, 'Retry' to debug, or 'Ignore' to continue (at your own risk!)
Abort will kill it, Retry will cause it to be unresponsive, and Ignore just brings the same error back up a few times until I get this:
Generic Error 32770. An unknown error has occured.
Neither running as Administrator nor taking ownership of the Program Files folder seems to help. If you know of any solution, I'd be happy to hear of it!