Hello all,
This is my first time posting anything as normally I have found EagleCAD to be very intuitive, and when I have been stuck it was relatively easy to find a solution to my problem either here, SparkFun, Hackaday, or numerous other websites. However, I've been stuck for several hours now and am getting very frustrated. Hopefully I have this in the right place. If not, please direct me where to repost and/or help guide my searching if possible.
Is there a limitation on the sizes of the boards that can be processed with the CAM processor? If so, what are they?
The reason I am asking is, essentially, when I use the CAM processor to generate my Gerber files, it shifts the board dimensions from their original location. Additionally, the drill locations do not match the rest of the board. I feel like this should be a relatively simple solution. I have followed the SparkFun tutorial as well as several others, and also have had a coworker (he has made all of our PCB layouts for the past five years until I began working a few months ago) guide me through the process when I first began working with EagleCAD. We have used the same CAM configuration to generate numerous revisions of our boards with no issues. The only difference with these boards is they are rather large, 11" x 2.5", compared to the rest of our boards, typically 5" squares or smaller. I have even used the same configuration for a 9" x 2" board without any issues.
The first issue, the dimensions being shifted is not as major as board houses just need the external board dimensions to know where everything goes. The second issue, however, is not quite that simple. The drill pattern is correct, but the sizes of the holes as well as their positions are incorrect. The copper layers and solder masks all match. Unfortunately, it is for a work related issue and I am unable to post screenshots, otherwise they would be posted as well.
Thank you very much and I appreciate your time,
Adam Drewery