Hello all I'm your friendly neighbor hood Newbie and shocker I need the most basic of help. I'm attempting to setup a entry gate control button for my grandfather on his property so that he doesn't have to drive down to his gate to get within wireless control to open his gate to let people in. The house is approximately 800 ft away from the gate. As part of the deal I'm already working on getting normal 110v/120v supply to the gate so I can install a new Liftmaster LA500 gate system for him. I contacted Lift Master and 2 install companies and they had no idea how to set this up. They had devices that were local to the gate that you could push a button/enter a code to open the gate, but they didn't have any idea's for a button 800ft away. I'm doing all this for my grandpa out of my own pocket and I have to save as much money as possible so I'm trying to do it all myself.
So here is my "thoughts" - at the house I setup some kind of switch/relay at the button so that when the button is hit it sends a 5v (or whatever the LA500 input is) signal down a low voltage line that I will install with the 110/120 line to the gate. At the gate I will attach the 5v line to the normal input for accessories (the code pad etc).
So here are the questions. What should I be looking for for parts for the button/switch/relay? Will 5v or "low voltage" travel 800ft? Since power is going to be run to the gate is there a simpler way to put the electronics down at the gate rather than at the house?
Any experience you all could provide would be greatly appreciated. I'll even appreciate comments on where would be a better place to start my research. In my Rural area of the country there are few or no electronic experts and I have about a 2 hour drive to get to a bigger city where more knowledgeable people reside. I have a decent amount of electrical experience and I'm a novice with electronics. I plan on doing extensive research once I have a better understanding of what I need to do this.
Thank you in advance.