Here is an Project created to display Xtrinsic sensor board using KL46Z freedom board.
It sends the Xtrinsic sensor data (Magnetometer, Accelerometer, Pressure and Temperature values) periodically to UART which can be interfaced further to any master control side / processor to display.
(Note: we had interfaced and demonstrated at Electronica. This project along with different sensor boards (Mikroe click board) interfaced serially as an IoT demo using RIoT board web interface to display sensor data graphically).
To begin the demo just (make sure Kl46Z board is in MSD application driver mode) execute the "Xtrinsic on KL46 with SW+LCD for IOT demo.srec" binary by drag n drop this to your FRDM-KL46Z OpenSDA drive.
The output of this project is as shown below:
The sensor data will be displayed on the hyper terminal every 5 seconds.
you can see on LCD display of the board "E 14" prompt then "A SE", "G SE", "P SE" comes back to "E 14" stays for 5-6 secs time interval then again loops back.
This output is formated as below, it begins with 'Start' symbol and ends with 'Stop' symbol
for accelerometer the output will be as:
Start Acc X= 18aa Y= 24aa Z= 1042aa Stop
and for Magnetometer the output format will be like:
Start Mag X= -8mg Y= 24mg Z= -99mg Stop
and for Pressure and temperature it will be as:
Start Pre = 90.906pa Stop
Start Tem = 26.2cc Stop Halt
you can observe at the end of temperature data there is 'Halt' symbol to tell the host it is end of one complete sensor data.
The video output of this project is as shown below:
Happy displaying sensor data...
Best Regards
Bheema Rao