This document will introduce and guide you on creating processor expert project for Kinetis-E family MCU FRDM-KE02ZFRDM-KE02Z. After finishing this you can probably proceed running an RGB project.
Freescale offers a software product called ‘Processor Expert’ that is supposed to help and remove some of the pain by providing drag-and-drop ‘components’ which will auto-generate the appropriate set-up code.
Let us start with our requirement
I have installed the Codewarrior (CW) 10.5 version in my machine. Open CW with default workspace or give path of your choice and proceed.
Make sure you are having the updates and services packs driver installed for kinetis-E family
There are two drivers available for Kinetis E family Freedom board, one for 20MHz dev board and another for 40MHz board.
1) For 20MHz board “FRDM-KE02Z“ the driver is: “” and it can be directly downloaded from below link
2) For 40MHz board “FRDM-KE02Z40M“ driver is: “” and it can be directly downloaded from below link
How to install the downloaded software service packs:
Code warrior provides facilities for adding new software service packs to the platform or updating software in the system.
The Install New Software wizard allows you to add new software to your installation. To install new software follow the below procedure:
Click Help > Install New Software as shown in below picture-1. This wizard shows you the items that are available for installation.
Picture-1: snapshot showing install new software
There are several different ways to add a software site to the list of sites that are used when browsing available software and checking for updates. You must know the Web Site location (URL) of the site that you want to add.
If the software site is in your local file system but is packaged as a jar or zip file, click Archive... to specify the name of the file.
After clicking on install new software you will see “install” window opened as shown in below picture-2, proceeding click on “Add” button.
Picture-2: snapshot showing install wizard with options
Next you will find “Add Repository” window opened, in which you need to click on “Archive” button as shown in below picture-3
Picture-3: snapshot showing Add repository wizard
Preceding to this a window “Repository archive” will be opened whereby you need to provide the path for downloaded service pack driver file i.e “”
In my case it is in downloads folder as shown in below picture-4
Picture-4: snapshot showing to select a downloaded zip/jar file
Proceed further by clicking ok as shown in below picture-5
Picture-5: Proceed to next step
In the wizard select the check box “MCU v10.4 kinetis service packs” and click on next button as shown in below picture-6.
Picture-6: snapshot showing the added service pack
Now the installation begins and it will collect all the necessary information and will take few minutes for the process to get complete.
Now the required service pack for 20MHz board “FRDM-KE02Z“ is installed and platform is ready, you can follow the same steps to install the service pack for 40MHz board “FRDM-KE02Z40M“ by giving the downloaded zip file.
We will now proceed further in creating a new Processor Expert project for KE02 board:
1. To create a new project select the menu command File -> New -> Bareboard project as shown in below picture-7:
Picture-7: snapshot for creating Barebone project
2. Enter project name and you can click the check box to use default location or define your project location by browsing to the required folder as shown in below picture-8 and click next.
Picture-8: snapshot showing entering a project name
3. Select derivative for the project:
Here you need to select the exact MCU device, on which we are creating project,
Select Kinetis E Series -> KE0x family -> KE02Z (20MHz) Family -> MKE02Z64
As there is ‘MKE02Z64VQH2’ MCU with 20 MHz, 64 KB Flash, 4 KB SRAM, 64QFP present on board
The process of selection is shown in below picture-9
Picture-9: selecting a MCU family
4. Select Connection type:
In this wizard deselect the first option (P&E USB multilink universal [Fx] / USB multilink and select the OpenSDA option as shown in below picture-10
OpenSDA is an serial debug interface method provided on Freedom board through which programming the target device via drag and drop executable files through MSD (mass storage device) driver provided by P&E micro, and provide basic debugging features.
Picture-10: Selecting connection type
5. Next select Language and build tools and the target compiler (GCC) for which the code will be generated for, the process is as shown in below picture-11.
Picture-10: Selecting Language and build tools
6. Next select “Processor expert” option as rapid application development and click finish in this wizard as shown in below picture-11.
Picture-11: Selecting Processor expert option
Now you can see code warrior generating the entire required platform as per the above selection done.
Picture-12: Selecting Processor expert option
Now a new platform for Processor Expert Project has been created for MKE02Z64 target MCU as shown in below picture-13.
Picture-13: snapshot showing the platform ready for target MCU
Now you can proceed further to create demo application code.
Happy working with KE02 board!!