LabVIEW is a graphical programming environment from National Instruments that is changing the way measurement tools work. With LabVIEW, you have the ability control your instruments, visualize your data, and automate your testing. To teach you the basics of LabVIEW projects and programming, NI has partnered with the element14 Community to bring you a new competition called, A Beginner’s Course in LabVIEW and Test Automation.
Through the competition, you'll complete a series of lessons and quizzes that familiarize you with LabVIEW. Your final project will be a test automation project that shows us what you've learned, along with any tips-and-tricks that you think would help other people.
You'll earn points every step of the way. Accumulating the most points leads to big prizes, worth about $12,000, including subscriptions to NI's Test Workflow Software (both Pro and Standard Edition) and more.
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