It's only me or other people also bumped into this problem: First my PSoC5LP CY8C5868LTI-LP39 68-QFN lost two of the four opamps, as I have described in this blog post, then when I opened a previous project in PSoC Creator 2.1 I noticed that the flip-flops were missing from the schematic. I did not disrepair and I brought new flip-flops from the library, but these ones had a much bigger symbol that did not fit in the old place, so I had to redraw parts of the schematic. Then when I built the project I got multiple errors, some of them shown below:
Error: sdb.M0062: An error occurred trying to retrieve the DRCs for an instance, 'cy_constant_1'. Unable to locate and customize component 'cy_constant_v1_0' used in schematic 'C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\element14_docs\schmartboard3\schmartboard_pd_710-0008-01_boot\SchmartBootLoader\BootLoader5\BootLoadable.cydsn\TopDesign\TopDesign.cysch'.
Error: sdb.M0062: An error occurred trying to retrieve the DRCs for an instance, 'cy_constant_2'. Unable to locate and customize component 'cy_constant_v1_0' used in schematic 'C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\element14_docs\schmartboard3\schmartboard_pd_710-0008-01_boot\SchmartBootLoader\BootLoader5\BootLoadable.cydsn\TopDesign\TopDesign.cysch'.
Error: cdf.M0005: CyDsFit aborted due to errors, please address all errors and rerun CyDsFit. (App=cydsfit)
--------------- Build Failed: 01/22/2015 19:29:42 ---------------
This was a finalized project that worked well before, and now I cannot do anything with it.
Did anyone experience strange behavior like this with Cypress's PSoC Creator tool?
Does anyone form Cypress want to comment on this topic?