I know most of anyone who reads this is going to say, "hey dude, those don't exist." Which is why I am asking if anyone in the whole planet earth is aware of any manufacturer that has a way to mount a Single Board Computer on a PCIe 16x Slot with at least an AMD Dual Core Chip (Preferably AMD G Series). I am trying something new for an intense Video Editing Suite and Robotics CPU that will act as a server through this Single Board PCI connect on an AMD Motherboard with a AMD 965 Quad Core Black Edition. Please don't make fun of me for asking this, I am probably kindof a newb to most people on here, yet, I am also aware that to most anyone this seems like the dumbest question to be asking, but I can assure you, I have a very very very good reason to ask about this specific SBC. PLEASE HELP ME!!! :} Thanks