I've been working on a 6502 SBC recently, and I wanted it to output to a composite video signal. I looked around the internet and didn't find much of anything. Anyone know a way I can do this?
I've been working on a 6502 SBC recently, and I wanted it to output to a composite video signal. I looked around the internet and didn't find much of anything. Anyone know a way I can do this?
nick123 Which product are you working with? What are you building?
A resource for 65xx development: Western Design Center (WDC) Home of 65xx Microprocessor Technology
As with the question from michaelkellett I am also curious why you are going with such an old chip (brought back a lot of old memories). My old company (Datapoint of San Antonio TX USA) in the 1970s abandoned the 6502 for the Zilog Z80 which was a leap over both the 6502 & 8080 in many ways back then - but all 3 limited to 64K RAM back then without mapping tricks.
nick123 Which product are you working with? What are you building?
A resource for 65xx development: Western Design Center (WDC) Home of 65xx Microprocessor Technology
As with the question from michaelkellett I am also curious why you are going with such an old chip (brought back a lot of old memories). My old company (Datapoint of San Antonio TX USA) in the 1970s abandoned the 6502 for the Zilog Z80 which was a leap over both the 6502 & 8080 in many ways back then - but all 3 limited to 64K RAM back then without mapping tricks.