I've been working on a 6502 SBC recently, and I wanted it to output to a composite video signal. I looked around the internet and didn't find much of anything. Anyone know a way I can do this?
I've been working on a 6502 SBC recently, and I wanted it to output to a composite video signal. I looked around the internet and didn't find much of anything. Anyone know a way I can do this?
Even though this has been answered, I wanted to add a better answer that will lead the parent (or others) in the right direction.
The definitive must read books on how to generate a composite video out from a 6502 (or any microprocessor from that era or since) are "The TV Typewriter cookbook", "The Cheap Video Cookbook", and "The Son of Cheap Video Cookbook".
They are all written by the hacker emeritus before there were hackers Don Lancaster. I am sure by understanding the methods there that they can be transposed to modern day designs (if you search for implementing a composite video output).
Where other posters in this thread have said "it can't be done" "because timings" the fact is that Don Lancaster showed that it could indeed be done with a few amazing and simple hacks.
Good point Phil - I am sure I still have "The Cheap Video Cookbook".....somewhere.
I have all Don’s books in dead trees format from my youth .. I cut my teeth on the Apple 2 ...
Don is giving them away free here in pdf format
Good link Lagi !
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