I've been working on a 6502 SBC recently, and I wanted it to output to a composite video signal. I looked around the internet and didn't find much of anything. Anyone know a way I can do this?
I've been working on a 6502 SBC recently, and I wanted it to output to a composite video signal. I looked around the internet and didn't find much of anything. Anyone know a way I can do this?
Saw this Retro Computing – Page 6502 – About small SBC systems which reminded me of the KIM-1. We never output to video, but did write data to a serial teletype. They were only 4K memory of which 1/2 was dedicated to a simple OS.
Shoot you can get the schematics to the Commodore 64 /pub/cbm/schematics/computers/c64/
They had to interface to the VIC chip IIRC.
Shoot you can get the schematics to the Commodore 64 /pub/cbm/schematics/computers/c64/
They had to interface to the VIC chip IIRC.