I've been working on a 6502 SBC recently, and I wanted it to output to a composite video signal. I looked around the internet and didn't find much of anything. Anyone know a way I can do this?
I've been working on a 6502 SBC recently, and I wanted it to output to a composite video signal. I looked around the internet and didn't find much of anything. Anyone know a way I can do this?
Hi Nick,
Generally the 6502 can't do that, it cannot generate a 6MHz signal on its own with the right timings and content (there may be some hacks I'm sure that might obtain a low-res image onto a display however, through clever coding in assembler etc). Usually the old home computers used separate ICs and sometimes custom logic for that, but of course they are not manufactured nowadays. You could look at old home computer schematics and hope to find the parts on e-bay. Or you could use slightly more modern parts to create a video encoder (Analog Devices has some parts) but you still need a way of getting data from memory to the encoder, and that entails using a CPLD or FPGA usually.
Basically times have moved on, and if you just want to display very simple information to a screen then you might want to consider (say) LCD displays with in-built memory and a simplified interface. If you're trying to recreate a vintage computer then you may need to consider programmable logic.
Hi Nick,
Generally the 6502 can't do that, it cannot generate a 6MHz signal on its own with the right timings and content (there may be some hacks I'm sure that might obtain a low-res image onto a display however, through clever coding in assembler etc). Usually the old home computers used separate ICs and sometimes custom logic for that, but of course they are not manufactured nowadays. You could look at old home computer schematics and hope to find the parts on e-bay. Or you could use slightly more modern parts to create a video encoder (Analog Devices has some parts) but you still need a way of getting data from memory to the encoder, and that entails using a CPLD or FPGA usually.
Basically times have moved on, and if you just want to display very simple information to a screen then you might want to consider (say) LCD displays with in-built memory and a simplified interface. If you're trying to recreate a vintage computer then you may need to consider programmable logic.