I've been working on a 6502 SBC recently, and I wanted it to output to a composite video signal. I looked around the internet and didn't find much of anything. Anyone know a way I can do this?
I've been working on a 6502 SBC recently, and I wanted it to output to a composite video signal. I looked around the internet and didn't find much of anything. Anyone know a way I can do this?
I interfaced an MC6847 to a 6502 way back in the day. I think I still have the wire-wrapped display card I built for my AIM65.
This was one of the simplest ways to implement a video display back then, probably still is.
These chips are still available on the net.
I interfaced an MC6847 to a 6502 way back in the day. I think I still have the wire-wrapped display card I built for my AIM65.
This was one of the simplest ways to implement a video display back then, probably still is.
These chips are still available on the net.
I looked at the data sheet and saw a pin labeled 'Y' what does that mean?
It's the luminance output. Basically the black and white part of the output.
The colour difference signals are on pins 10 and 11.
The outputs were intended to go to another chip that would generate NTSC or PAL coded video which could then go to a rf modulator to give an output for a television.