So after buying myself the Adafruit Arduino plate this week, I fell in love. It is a very simple concept; being one piece of acrylic with holes for mounting your uno and a space for a half sized breadboard.
One of the best things for me was the fact that my uno would no longer roll around due to the USB cable, which has been bugging me with most of my development boards. Since as far as I have found adafruit only makes them for the Uno and Raspberry Pi B/B+, and I haven't seen any others on the web. I decided to design some of my own. Just now I have completed one for an Intel Edison Arduino Board and a Beaglebone Black. This is one of the first times I have used Adobe Illustrator to design a vector drawing, I am happy with managing to get these two completed. From printing out paper copies, all of the mounting holes line up and everything looks to be ok.
So I thought I would share them with the community and see what you think. I haven't been able to export them to DWG or DXF file format as my version of Illustrator keeps crashing when I try, so I have just attached the .ai files.
I am hoping to make a couple of these when I can get some (cheap) acrylic, and since I am not lucky enough to own a cnc mill or lazer cutter I will be making it manualy; although if any of you have access to one I would like to see your results if you want to try making them.