Some photos of the BB-AI!
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Some higher-res photos (normal background):
BB-AI dimensions (note - these dimensions were partially measured, so there may be an inaccuracy of perhaps 0.5 mm in places (and maybe up to 1mm inaccuracy in the heatsink position). If there are any errors, please let me know and I'll correct the diagram).
The board is 1.6mm thick, the Ethernet socket is 14mm tall, the 46-way header sockets (P8 and P9) are 8.7mm tall, the USB type A connector is 8mm tall, the heatsink is approximately 8.5mm tall, the USB C connector is 3.4mm tall.
On the underside, the micro HDMI connector is 3mm tall, and the micro SD card need clearance of approx 2.4mm height. The entire underside of the board needs clearance of about 3mm, since there are several large ceramic capacitors and diodes on the underside.
The dimensions diagram is also attached to this blog post as a PDF (using A4 sized paper, and Letter sized paper). If it is printed at 100%, then it will be at 1:1 scale (i.e. to use it as a paper template for making enclosures for instance).
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