2 Hackspaces... 2 BeagleBone Blacks... 1 Winner!
We're pleased to announce a month long challenge that will pit two transatlantic hackspaces against each other to create a fantastic project using the awesome BeagleBone Black! Each hackspace has been given a BeagleBone Black and challenged to come up with the most awesome project and then submit their results on element14. We've picked the two closest hackspaces to our UK and US offices to compete and here's a little bit more about them...
Pumping Station One is a hackerspace located in Chicago. Its mission is to foster a collaborative environment wherein people can explore and create intersections between technology, science, art, and culture. They fulfil their role as a community resource by hosting classes on electronics, programming, crafts, and any other skills that members (or guests) are willing to share.
Based in the North of England, Leeds Hackspace has been running for three years and is a group aiming to provide Leeds with a permanent not-for-profit hackspace. Their members come from a range of backgrounds, have differing levels of experience and are interested in everything from woodworking to programming to robots with lasers. The hackspace gives provides a shared workshop to develop skills, collaborate on projects and be more active in the community.
Once they have created their projects and submitted them, we will ask you, the element14 community, to vote for your favourite. The winning hackspace will then receive a prize of $1,000 donation to their group (the runner up will also receive a $500 donation).
Our hackspaces have already begun to post updates on their projects. Check them out! You can buy your own Beaglebone Black here. Who will you be rooting for? In the words of Connor MacLeod... "There can be, only one!"