UPDATE: Kim the Maker Mom did an awesome job on WGN News this morning. Kids will be lucky to get these awesome STEM/DIY/maker gifts like littleBits, Bigshot Camera, GoldieBlox, Roominate, etc. At 4m 25s, check out the BeagleBone Black and Adafruit 16x32 RGB LED panel (displaying output from LEDscape designed at NYC Resistor)
VIDEO: http://morningnews.wgntv.com/2013/12/05/tech-toy-gift-ideas/
Kim Moldofsky aka Maker Mom (http://www.themakermom.com/p/about.html) will be on Chicago's WGN TV morning news tomorrow around 8:45am US CST (http://wgntv.com/live/) to present STEM gift ideas including a BeagleBone Black bundle provided by Newark element14 (http://www.newark.com/holidaydeals). She will demo LEDscape (created at NYC Resistor) running on an Adafruit 16x32 RGB LED panel :
BeagleBone Black sees color with OpenCV - YouTube
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