hi, i'm new at this. I own a beaglebone black. For starters, I want to send data over usb or ethernet and read the data I sent over uart. I couldn't find any resources on how to do it. can you help me? The latest debian image is installed.
hi, i'm new at this. I own a beaglebone black. For starters, I want to send data over usb or ethernet and read the data I sent over uart. I couldn't find any resources on how to do it. can you help me? The latest debian image is installed.
It helps to be specific.
What data? Why UART? How do you see this working? What's your scenario?
For example I could argue that loading up a web page using lynx over a serial console via UART on the beaglebone black is transferring data over the internet via ethernet to the beaglebone black, and then over uart, but I suspect this isn't what you're wanting.
I am an intern student. They gave me beaglebone black to work with. I tested how canbus works.
Now, to see, understand and test how the uart works, they asked me to send any data over usb or ethernet and read it over the uart.
Hi zmrkrzoa,
You can look at pyserial, or https://learn.adafruit.com/setting-up-io-python-library-on-beaglebone-black/uart
One of those should provide you with some information on how to read and write from/to the UART.
'Over USB' is kind of meaningless without knowing what device, and what software you wish to attach to, because there's no user-accessible way of sending bits and bytes without a protocol that you need to choose or identify.
It's similar with 'over Ethernet'. Anyway, once you can at least work with the UART using (for example) either off the two methods mentioned above, then you may have an idea how you wish to transfer or receive data and which applications and protocols you will want to use.