I'm wanting to flash a new uImage to replace the old uImage in the MMC.
I thought I could load this from the sd card (mmc 1:1), but I don't know yet how.
I can perform an fatload from the sd card, but how can I load this into the eMMC memory?
I'm wanting to flash a new uImage to replace the old uImage in the MMC.
I thought I could load this from the sd card (mmc 1:1), but I don't know yet how.
I can perform an fatload from the sd card, but how can I load this into the eMMC memory?
which os image are you using for your uImage ?
I'm using Android 4.3 for the Riotboard.
And I want to upgrade the uImage while running the device.
In that link is explained what I want to, but I want to load the uImage into the eMMC and not into the SD card,
because I'm running Android from the eMMC.
can you try this android tools : http://downloads.element14.com/downloads/riotboard/Android/Tools.zip
its the official Android 4.3 release .
you can find more images here :RIoTboard BSP Images and Tools Download - Android and Linux
let us know if you have challenges in flashing .
I use that tools to flash complete images to the emmc.
But I would like to flash just the uImage to the eMMC, while the u-boot is running.
Have you tried booting from SD and copying the uImage over to the eMMC? That is what I do. I use an SD that I dd the yocto linux sdcard image onto (fsl-image-fb-riotboard.sdcard) provided on this site. It will mount all the mmcblk0 partitions in /media.
Hi Carlos
I read with attention your answer as somebody asked me recently if it was possible to copy a Linux BSP image *.img into the eMMC rather than an SD-Card.
If I understand well, I should be able to do that just connecting my RiOTboard with a mini-usb cable to my computer and select the drive corresponding to the eMMC storage using the dd command or the Win32DiskImager tool, right ?
Thanks in advance
Hi Greg,
Sorry, I don't know if that will work. I do not use the mini-usb connection. I created an SD I could boot from using the yocto linux sdcard image provided by the riot folks. I boot from it in order to write to the eMMC. I did look at the instructions in the xml from the mfrtool in order to know how to partition the eMMC for linux and setup the eMMC. These are to commands I do to partition the eMMC after booting from the SD card:
IMPORTANT: this is for kernel/u-boot 3.10 that uses the dtb files. For 3.0 it is different.
#First unmount the eMMC flash partitions:
umount /media/mmcblk0p*
#Destroy partition table:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1024 count=1
#Create 2 partitions:
echo -e "o\nn\np\n1\n129\n384\nt\nc\nn\np\n2\n385\n\np\nw" | fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
#OS will remount so unmount again
sync; sleep 5
umount /media/mmcblk0p*
IMPORTANT: the fdisk commands above assume you are using cylinder units which is the default for the fdisk on the linux sdcard image mentioned above.
Then to copy the u-boot:
#Write uboot and clean up u-boot parameters:
dd if=u-boot.imx of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=2 conv=fsync
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=1024 count=16
Then the kernel:
#Format and mount boot partition:
mkfs.msdos -F 32 /dev/mmcblk0p1
mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/mmcblk0p1
#Copy kernel and dtb to boot partition:
cp uImage imx6solo_RIoTboard.dtb /media/mmcblk0p1/.
Then the root filesystem. Please note I am using the rootfs file (no kernel ones) I got from armhf.com (I did uncompress the tar.xz on my machine before putting it on the SD card because the linux on the sdcard does not have xz-utils):
#Format and mount root file system (rootfs) partition:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p2
mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /media/mmcblk0p2
#Copy rootfs to it:
tar xvf ubuntu-trusty-14.04-armhf.com-20140603.tar -C /media/mmcblk0p2
#Sync pending disk writes for good measure:
After that, whenever I have a new kernel to try, I just boot from the SD card, mount mmcblk0p1 and overwrite the uImage and dtb files.
Once you have a board setup the way you like it you can use dd to copy the entire eMMC to a file which you can dd back to other boards. I have done that too and works well.
this is for kernel/u-boot 3.10 that uses the dtb files. For 3.0 it is different.
the uboot 2009.08 used with 3.0 kernel or Ubuntu distro expects kernel at a particular location rather than a partition.
the uboot 2014 used with 3.10.17 uses dts & expects uImage in /boot directory.
so there goes the difference.
Once you have a board setup the way you like it you can use dd to copy the entire eMMC to a file which you can dd back to other boards.
a query based on above was asked before here
I have done that too and works well.
It would be nice if you copy the headers and modules also.