I don't know if ST are planning to offer support for the open source GNU toolchain for STM32 (as used by Raisonance RIDE7), as they do for other products. But it can be made to work if you are prepared to hack your own makefiles and linker scripts. I just got the LCD, Touchscreen and Ethernet examples running, built on my Ubuntu Linux workstation with the arm-none-eabi-gcc toolchain and the openocd debugger (yes, openocd does support SWD, and they are even available on Windows). I won't say it was instant, it took a week or so of learning curve, but I didn't have to part with any hard-earned cash. I even got the Discovery board set 'free' under the Power Circuit rewards scheme after my last project.
Once I'd found all the files and got the typos out of the scripts, it did what it says on the tin ( and no crippleware size limits to worry about).
It would be a shame if such a wonderfully low-cost development system lost its potential to lower the entry bar for designers by restricting it to $1000-plus software systems. Allright for those that already have them: a few years ago I coughed up for a development system for the uPSD series, only to find their FS USB was seriously buggy, and to have ST pull the plug the following year. So I'm naturally cautious.
Me, I'm looking forward to designing some ethernet-enabled instruments.