I've just started to use my STM32F4 discovery expansion board (discovery board, base board, LCD and camera) and as a first shot I want to try out the software examples found here:
I've tried to run the LCD example called "LCD_35T" located in the folder "STM32F4xx_LCD_Example" but ran into some problems...
I'm using IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM as my IDE and have performed the following steps:
- Open the project file located in "LCD_35T/EWARM" folder
- Rebuild all --> Results in a successful build without errors/warnings
- Download and debug --> Code is flashed and debugger started (using ST-LINK)
- Running program (Go) --> Expecting LCD to show color bars according to the example but the screen is just white...
Does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for all response!