Hi, we work with st discover wifi and we are using the api that the module have in the web. But we have a problem when we send a req from http. Sn8200 return this
.HTTP RSP code: 8448, seq#: 0, Content Length: 0, Type: , More data: no. What is the problem?
Pd: We are using CoOS as real operative system.
This is an example to the code:
sendHttpReqTest(domain, 0);
int sendHttpReqTest(char *domain, char isHttps)
char tmp[100];
char method = 0; //GET
char contentType[] = "text/html";
char otherHeader[] = "";
char content[] = "";
unsigned char timeout = 10;
printf("Enter URI after the server name: ([CR] to accept %s)\n\r", uri);
if (strlen(tmp))
strcpy(uri, tmp);
return fillNSendHttpReq(seqNo++, domain, uri, method, contentType, otherHeader, strlen(content), content, timeout, 0, isHttps);