Matty u are far to risk averse, i applaud it. E14 are clearly fools in re to this. Prob don't make much of it. I reached out TI, who prob designed it anyway, and they try really hard, but... I even offered to send in a BBB and the cape and asked them to give it to an industrious 12 yr old and tell me how long it takes them to get it functional. That's what I have done. He's still at it after a month. His brother did and end run and bugged an engineer at TI and was on Skype for at lease 2 hours (waiting for downloads, etc.). Always thought if you couldn't explain something to a lay person you probably dont understand it yourself. If you look at the printout that came with the cape there is a jumper b/w pins that 'make it work w/ BBBlack and BB' i'm paraphrasing. The enclosed sheet is worthless. I fire people for far far less. Who got promoted for over here at Farnell?
At the risk of being another "Me Too", I am having terrible trouble getting this cape to be recognised. None of the instructions I have read have been any help.
Has ANYONE managed to get it going with the latest image (debian 9.x)??
The Read me didn't work for me, too. Ich ahve a BBB Rev. C and am using the latest debain from SD Card. None of the commands mentioned in "6." in the readme after entering connmanctl worked. Even other commands like capemgr were unknown by the system. I think if I use the standard image without removing something, I should be ath the point where the instructions start.
Has anyone gotten this thing to work on a BBB Rev C? I suggest, that they update their documentation and/or show verifiable examples of getting this device to work or stop selling it.
I will return this device if the manufacturer cannot supply the following:
1.) Jumper Pin out documentation.
2.) Updated documentation on how to get the device to work with latest BBB Rev C.
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