I am working on a project which involves the development of a pressure sensor matrix capable of pressure mapping the force applied on a patient by a medical instrument.
The active measuring area consists of a matrix of 28 interdigitated electrodes on a PCB.
I am trying to design this, but I am having some trouble with the autorouting.
When i press the function it stays in 0% and doesnt seem to even start the process.
I played around a little with the design rules, but I am pretty new to this whole world and I am sure my problem is somewhere there, I just cannot seem to find it
Unfortunately I cannot attach an EAGLE file here, but if anyone has any idea what it could be and has the time to help me out, please contact me and I will send you the file somewhere else, so you can see my design for yourself.
I hope I am making sense here, and I really hope one of you out there with more experience can help me out!
Thanks a lot for your time