KenH schrieb:
"Harry H. Arends" <> wrote in message
>> Hi Group,
>> Is there a ULP or something else I can use to convert Kicad files to
>> Eagle.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Harry
I have been watching this post in hopes someone would have knowledge how to
import Kicad files to Eagle myself - "IF" there is a way.
73 de Ken H>
There are ULPs from EAGLE to KiCad, but as far as I know, not from
KiCad to EAGLE.
See, ULP directory:
eagle2kicad_sch.ulp and eagle2kicad-0.9b.ulp
Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards
Richard Hammerl
CadSoft Support --
One could essentially reverse the Eagle export to KiCad ULP to make one for import. Perhaps there has not been sufficient demand for someone to accomplish this. It seems so many things are available as Eagle libraries and Eagle designs that KiCad users want, with not so much of the reverse situation. Though I've recently learned that CERN is currently working to improve KiCad tool set, and perhaps at some point this comparison may change. I wouldn't hate the idea of going into their new KiCad manual router and back to Eagle again... But fir now, there's not yet very much out there to download and import into Eagle.
check out this python script it can convert between most electronics CAD formats
it converted a KiCAD to eagle for me just fine.
hey man,
i cloned the git, but i cant seem to get it to convert... also, it gives me a warning, Unsupported version of python , 2.7 > 2.6 ...
could you tell me how to get it to convert?
python2 -m upconvert.upconverter -i ~/Downloads/noname.sch -f kicad -o somename -t eagle --> is the command i used
(also installed freetype module for python, said it was required...)
On 13/01/2018 4:33 a.m., gharryh wrote:
It looks that the link is dead
To view any images and attachments in this post, visit:
The posting/link is 3 years old.
Upverter appears to have its own site now
... use NNTP:// and a functional news reader like
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The project sounds better than it is. Trying to importing kicad files they are not recognized as being valid
So that program is as of no use to import kicad and convert it to eagle