Element14 created problems for the community of forum users of
news.cadsoft.de which they don't appear to have the desire to fix so I
suggest a boycott until
the end of September, or longer if need be, for any assistance requests
logged from there.
That would leave Cadsoft staff and Element14 volunteers to answer all
queries from the many beginners that that site is attracting.
Currently most of the knowledge and assistance is coming from the community
that is newsgroup centric or those using EagleCentral
(http://www.eaglecentral.ca/forums/). which is in a fit enough state and
works well exchanging messages and files.with the newsgroup. There is one
issue with attributing the correct writers name to a post but those posts
have come from Element14 (Oh!dear, enough said).
Cadsoft/Element14 benefits immensely (real money) from all the time and
experience that forum members donate and as much as I like providing the
assistance, I feel nothing will change until they are hit in the pocket or
gain bad press. They have had ample notice.
As I see it there are two issues needing correction
(1) Attachments that work both directions
(2) Filter out the emoticon ASCII (known as spam in some circles) prior to
sending to the NNTP
The methods to use to spot which messages to boycott is varied.
Much of the time I get suspicious due to the nature of the question.
For news readers, I set rules that colour the message headers to indicate
where they have came from. (abilities vary with readers)
EagleCentral messages standout as they most often included the
www.eaglecentral signature.
Browsing at EagleCentral you can spot the sender as 'Element14 User' for
those Element14 users that did not provide a contact email. For those that
did they have a name so these are hard to determine.
...and its easy. All you have to do is 'nothing' for a month and something
good could come out of it.