It was expressed that having the board revision match the schematic revision
was a manual task often forgotten. Hence the board revision 'text' did not
match the schematic revision (text).
Project attributes were suggested as a solution.
The desired functionality can be achieved currently using the attributes
features, as they are.
In use you change an attribute value in the schematic and it is
automatically corrected on the board.
The method:
1) By default the frame(device) you place around the schematic consists
only of a symbol. To this you should add a package which consists of the
fixed text to be printed on the board, followed by a text variable that
matches the name of an attribute we will assign latter e.g. REV >REVISION
2) In the frame symbol used for the device add the text variable >REVISION
into the data area of the frame
3) In the Device editor create an attribute named REVISION, value 0.0,
variable, all.
To update the revision text in the Frame data area and on the board all that
is required is to change the value of the REVISION attribute of the frame
(select frame origin, lower left corner usually)
This technique revealed to me a feature of frames. Performing a "Library
update all", in the schematic editor, does not update the frame. Further
investigation required to see if this is documented behaviour.
I had to delete the current frame and re-add the frame.
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