Can anyone suggest a simple program to create movies from a set of bmp files
on a windows system.
I am using windows7.
Allready tried the ones on the povray page but all of them don’t see to work
with windows7..
Can anyone suggest a simple program to create movies from a set of bmp files
on a windows system.
I am using windows7.
Allready tried the ones on the povray page but all of them don’t see to work
with windows7..
In article <k5p7b5$kjk$>,
Can anyone suggest a simple program to create movies from a set of bmp files
on a windows system.
I am using windows7.
There's probably loads but virtualDub (or virtualDubMod) spring to mind.
Its quite old and AVI oriented but it runs on just about anything - and
can do lots of tricks quite easily.
Just give your .BMPs a sequence number and load the first one. The rest
should follow automatic.