I am almost reaching the finish of my first 4 layer project with Eagle
4.14r2. But struggled. I am very much appreciate if somebody give me
I set the name of layer 2 and 15 as $GND and $VDD, respectively. So,
both are successfully connected with power. Both layers are showed as
negative image on Eagle PCB editor. This is as written in the manual.
After generated Gerber, I confirmed result with Viewmate. Both $GND and
$VDD layer is showed as negative. OK.
But I found all 4 layers Gerber has following declaration.
That mean, all layer data is positive plotting. Strange. As I described
above, inner layer ( 2 and 15 ) is negative, and outer layer ( 1 and 16
) is positive.
Is this usual among the CAD vendor and PCB manufacturer? If yes, how
come manufacturer can know given file is positive or not?
Thank you in advance.