This is not a post about how to have multiple pins with the same name (e.g. ground).
This is about having a package which has multiple pins with the same name, only one of which needs to be connected. For a good example, search for "smd tactile switch" on your favourite component vendor website. A push button SMD tactile switch would have a very detailed circiut symbol as:
1 3
o |
o |
2 | 4
and the land pattern will more or less match the circuit symbol. Naturally the actual circuit symbol would be more like:
A ---o o--- B
It's easy enough to create a device where pin A is connected to pads 1,3 and pin B is connected to pads 2,4.
In practice only one of 1,3 and one of 2,4 needs to be connected (the duplication is really for mechanical strength).
Is there any way to tell Eagle that this is the case so that before routing it only has an air wire to one of the pins, and therefore after one pin is connected, it doesn't leave an air wire on the other pin?
On a very similar note, consider also a CR2032 battery holder which is essentially a bent piece of metal with anchor points on both sides, e.g.
Likewise is there any way of telling the device that there is a connection between the two terminals so that it doesn't try to connect parts of the circuit connected to opposite sides with an air wire?