I have noted that if you create attributes in the library with empty
values, they will not be available in the SCH or PCB editor. Was that
an accidental 'feature' or is there some reason for it.
I have noted that if you create attributes in the library with empty
values, they will not be available in the SCH or PCB editor. Was that
an accidental 'feature' or is there some reason for it.
On 06/11/08 22:44, Bob Simpson wrote:
I have noted that if you create attributes in the library with empty
values, they will not be available in the SCH or PCB editor. Was that
an accidental 'feature' or is there some reason for it.
I can't reproduce this.
Please send a library and schematic with instructions how to
reproduce this.
Klaus Schmidinger
Klaus Schmidinger Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH Fax: +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2 Email: kls@cadsoft.de
D-84568 Pleiskirchen, Germany URL: www.cadsoft.de
Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
On 06/11/08 22:44, Bob Simpson wrote:
I have noted that if you create attributes in the library with empty
values, they will not be available in the SCH or PCB editor.
I can't reproduce this.
Please send a library and schematic with instructions how to
reproduce this.
Klaus Schmidinger
HI Klaus;
I'm sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner.
I tried to replicate the problem, and I didn't see it either. It could
have been some mistake I was making with the new Eagle version. If I
come across that issue again, I'll give you the details. Thanks.