Using EAGLE 5.0.0 on Kubuntu 8.04.
I got a little over-eager and jumped right into creating a board without
reading the manual. Now I can't figure out how to draw the board
boundary that is normally auto-created when you create a board from a
schematic. EAGLE keeps routing traces around the outside of components
that are supposed to be on the edge of the board. I tried drawing a box
of wires in the milling layer, but it didn't help.
When drawing a schematic, how do you place the supply and ground pins of
an IC? I'm trying to draw a circuit with a 74xx in a DIP14 package, but
it only lets me place the four logic gates (automatically labeled
IC1A-IC1D) then starts over with a new chip (IC2A). This is actually
the reason I skipped drawing the schematic. Halp!