I'm not use to post, hope i will do this wright.
I experience something strange last Friday and i'm still obsess by it today.
I use Eagle 4.16 r2
I have access to a filmstar photoplotter and a PCB fabrication facility.
I design a 1 layer PCB
This is not my fist time using this procedure, this is not my fist
project in Eagle.
I design a small PCB as always, but this time I add a polygon. this is
my first time using polygon on this process.
The polygon work fine on the Eagle software. I previously route the GND
like a signal. GND is connect to the polygon...thermal look good.
I check the gerber file in pentalogix view mate. It looks good.
I transform the file from gerber to bitmap. As always, nothing wrong here.
I start the photo plotter software, import the bitmat file, I see the
bitmap result, it ok
I start the machine with negative mirror because this is what i need for
my process.
When i develop the film i end up with a series of small black lines (~5
mil) in the polygon and the rest of the line look fine. The small line
are "cut" by the GND route i left in the board soft in Eagle. The film
is negative so clear film is the cooper and the black is etch (no cooper).
I use the negative film for my PCB. The line is so small that the etch
did not remove all cooper but i had to check to not over etch.
I have the feeling this is the way eagle in generating the polygon with
serie of black stip side by side but they are not overlaping so using
negative I end up with small black line. When i use viewmate and ask
for "trace and polygon outline only" i can see that polygon is fill with
a series of strips.
Did someone else encounter this problem? A manufacturer maybe!?
Is it a "normal" problem in Eagle?
It this resolve in 5.XX?
Do you edit gerber to solve this mater.
Thank you