Jim wrote:
dirk syx wrote:
We search somebody who has ever designed a TTL to seial convertor? Does
there exists a diagram for this or witch components can you use for this?
Dirk Syx
If you need an off the shelf product you can check for B&B Electronics.
They make a lot of stuff that converts from one voltage standard to
another (including serial TTL to RS232/RS485 etc). They also have
parallel to serial converters.
If all you need to do is convert TTL signals to RS-232RS-232 levels then you
need a RS-232RS-232 driver/receiver chip such as a MAX3232 If you need to
convert 8-bits (parallel) to serial (and back) then you need a UART
chip. Or like Jim suggested, buy an off the shelf device (not just a chip).
-Dave Pollum