Can you tell me a part number(s) for a 1N4004 surface mount equivalent.
I need a small as possible package with the component temperature ratings
@ -65 to 175 C
Thanks very much for help.
Can you tell me a part number(s) for a 1N4004 surface mount equivalent.
I need a small as possible package with the component temperature ratings
@ -65 to 175 C
Thanks very much for help.
Biff schrieb:
Can you tell me a part number(s) for a 1N4004 surface mount equivalent.
I need a small as possible package with the component temperature ratings
@ -65 to 175 C
Thanks very much for help.
A simple search like 1N4148 SMD will do that.
Gruß / regards
Biff schrieb:
Can you tell me a part number(s) for a 1N4004 surface mount equivalent.
A common type is the LL4004 (MELF package). I personally prefer SMA
package for easier handling, look for S1D or the like.
I need a small as possible package with the component temperature ratings
@ -65 to 175 C
"As small as possible" depends on your current requirements. And your
specified temperature range definitely is a problem - the 1N4004 also
doesn't match it. Besides that, at these temperatures you'll run into
/many/ problems - with PCB material and all other components, too.
Hello Biff !:
Can you tell me a part number(s) for a 1N4004 surface mount equivalent.
I need a small as possible package with the component temperature ratings
@ -65 to 175 C
SM4004 ! (or SM4007) - Typical MELF package.
You can search for other diodes because MELF is not easy to solder due
to quick roll off pad :-(.
Best temp range have glass packages.
Grzegorz Zalot
complex ltd.
office tel/fax : +48 32 2505840
mobil : +48 501 301515
Thanks guys for your input! I erred with the temp spec. It should be -55 to
+175 C, same as for 1N4004 diode.
SMB package is too big. If there is a device about half the size of an SMB,
that would work perfectly.
The size of a 1/4 W chip resistor would be great!
A MELF might possibly work but rolling off the pad is not good here.
"Grzegorz Zalot" <> wrote in message
Hello Biff !:
Can you tell me a part number(s) for a 1N4004 surface mount equivalent.
I need a small as possible package with the component temperature ratings
@ -65 to 175 C
! (or SM4007) - Typical MELF package.
You can search for other diodes because MELF is not easy to solder due to
quick roll off pad :-(.
Best temp range have glass packages.
Grzegorz Zalot
complex ltd.
office tel/fax : +48 32 2505840
mobil : +48 501 301515