I am a bit annoyed with the many different drill sizes eagle uses in the
libs and the very small pads/annular rings on the component layout. I think
they are generally too small.
I am thinking about changing the drill size and the pad size on the
components I use to standard drill size 0,7mm, 0,9mm, 1,0mm, 1,1mm etc., and
then change the padsize to something like padsize=3*dill size. I think that
rule is generally working ok.
I have never had any PCB sent to PCB houses like Olimex etc. but I have a
few projects I would like to send out.
Are there any problems with this idea about changing drill and padsize that
could be a problem if I'm sending a design to a PCB house like Olimex? Are
there standard sizes for PADS's and vias that I have to use or any other
limitations? (I don't know how they make them)