Does anybody now how to import ODB++ into EAGLE?
Does anybody now how to import ODB++ into EAGLE?
Element 14 User wrote on Tue, 09 August 2011 13:49
Does anybody now how to import ODB++ into EAGLE?
As far as I know you can't. The issue is that to get the ODB++ details you
have to sign an NDA (it's not really an open standard). But in order to
implement the importing in EAGLE you would have to create a ULP to do it.
It could be done, but the ULP itself is just a simple text file so you'd be
making public the details of the ODB++ spec which violates the NDA you had
to sign in the first place.
So no one has ever done it. You could try the guys at,
they may have a method to do it as a service. But it will cost money for
them to do it, if they even can.
You could also try going through an intermediate format but then you're
doing 2 conversions and that is probably going to get messy.
You should be able to export the gerbers out of ODB++ and then you could
use Falk Stricker's gerber import to get it into EAGLE. But that would
only be the PCB, not a schematic to match it I don't think. Check with
Falk about the details there, he may know more.
Hope that helps,
James Morrison ~~~ Stratford Digital
Specializing in CadSoft EAGLE
Online Sales to North America
Electronic Design Services
EAGLE Enterprise Toolkit
Web access to CadSoft support forums at Where the CadSoft EAGLE community meets.
Element 14 User wrote on Tue, 09 August 2011 13:49
Does anybody now how to import ODB++ into EAGLE?
As far as I know you can't. The issue is that to get the ODB++ details you
have to sign an NDA (it's not really an open standard). But in order to
implement the importing in EAGLE you would have to create a ULP to do it.
It could be done, but the ULP itself is just a simple text file so you'd be
making public the details of the ODB++ spec which violates the NDA you had
to sign in the first place.
So no one has ever done it. You could try the guys at,
they may have a method to do it as a service. But it will cost money for
them to do it, if they even can.
You could also try going through an intermediate format but then you're
doing 2 conversions and that is probably going to get messy.
You should be able to export the gerbers out of ODB++ and then you could
use Falk Stricker's gerber import to get it into EAGLE. But that would
only be the PCB, not a schematic to match it I don't think. Check with
Falk about the details there, he may know more.
Hope that helps,
James Morrison ~~~ Stratford Digital
Specializing in CadSoft EAGLE
Online Sales to North America
Electronic Design Services
EAGLE Enterprise Toolkit
Web access to CadSoft support forums at Where the CadSoft EAGLE community meets.
Hi James,
Thanks for the info. Just got done doing the ODB++ to gerber to EAGLE conversion. I hope to never have to do it again!
"Gary Weitzman" <> wrote in message
Hi James,
Thanks for the info. Just got done doing the ODB++ to gerber to EAGLE
conversion. I hope to never have to do it again!
Wow, nice It would be nice to know Valor's (Mentor's) opinion on sharing
those files. They are reverse engineerable, but anyone can reverse engineer
it with their free viewer and some examples to edit, so I think they may
allow it.