I've just started using Eagle and some things I really like and many things I don't. I've got the full version of 6.2 before anyone asks and I am trying to design a fairly simple PCB with a large array of holes which are commonly connected in each row.
^ Similar to this and I've named then 1A - 1Y for the first row, 2A - 2Y for the second and so on, using the 1,6/0,9 pad.
I have to do this for 128 rows of pads in the schematic and renaming each individual pad is madness ( 3200 in total ). I've toyed with the library editor to get it to name the pads accordingly but it wants to name them 1A1, 1A2, 1A3 etc which is useless for me, I thought about making a new library part as a 25 x 128 grid but I still need to rename each hole.
If someone can point me in the direction of an easy way to do this I would be most grateful.
- The library implementaion in Eagle is awful, I don't know why there isn't a standard 74xxUS / 74xxEU that includes proper package types for all the various IC. SOIC / SSOP / TSSOP and technology types LS / HC / ALS / S / HCT for example are industry standards and I don't fancy having to change each part to represent this. TFN / BGA I can understand because they are much newer technologies and it takes time to implement. The whole library editor is clunky and confusing.
- Script commands are a great idea but the thought of needing to learn ANOTHER language just to satisfy Eagle isn't something I relish, the use of proper syntax in the command line would be helped with examples within the help file.
- Wildcards are either poorly implemented or not implemented at all in the command line, why could one not simply write NAME [1A1..1A25] [1A..1Y] or have access to better implementation when copying a circuit chunk from one part of the schematic to another with more options on the part update naming strategy, similar to the macro style of Excle for example?
- No way to draw a simple board outline in board mode, like WIRE 0,0 100,0; WIRE 100,100; WIRE 0,100; WIRE 0,0 for example and nowhere can a board size be set that I am aware of if you plan to use a standard board size for several projects.
- The arrow keys won't navigate around a drawing, particularly annoying when you are trying to connect wires from one side of a board to another.
These are the things I've found so far to be irritating, feel free to correct me if I am wrong on any point.