Is there any way to edit a device footprint on the board layout, without editing the lbr? I find it very frustrating trying to get my silkscreen layers the way I want when some libraries (even some of the official ones that ship with EAGLE) are inconsistent when it comes to documentation layers. For the most part, I find that the tPlace and tNames layers should go on the top silkscreen, and the same for bPlace and bNames on the bottom. This is consistent with most chips, as tPlace tends to be the layer containing the pin 1 indicator dot or edge notch, and I don't tend to clutter my board with values on the silkscreen (I can always just refer back to the schematic. However, some parts, like the USB-B connector in con-cypressindustries, have a lot of extraneous part outlining on tPlace that I don't want on my silkscreen. I would like to be able to selectively change layers on parts on the board layout and set all of that outline to tDocu (where I think it belongs in the first place). You can currently change the layers of the names and values if you smash the part, but as far as I can tell, you can't change anything else. As it is, I have to disable the tPlace layer entirely and copy all of the lines/dots/etc. that I want by hand into my own user-defined layer in order to get my silkscreen right without all of the extra crap I don't want. This is stupid. I really hope I'm just missing something here. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong, or is EAGLE just not capable of handling this?