Hello, I'm starting to work with EAGLE software because i have a project that i have to develop for my university.
I have to make a PCB board that will be used to test 4 chips. Each one of this chips has 4 comparators.
So my teacher told me to start by creating a part on EAGLE that represents the chip. I created this part in a .lbr file with 12 pins: CLK1, CLK2, CLK3, CLK4, VO1, VO2, VO3, VO4, VDD, VSS, VINP, VINN.
When i'm making the symbol, after having the 12 pins, which button should i use for wiring the pins to each other? "Wire" or "Polygon" ?
After drawing the symbol i made the package and my teacher told me that the pads should be at a distance of 0.1 mm from each other so i used very tiny pads.
The problem is that if i use a normal resistor with the chip that i just made it looks ridiculous because the resistor if so much bigger. And besides that i don't know which type of pads i should use? The green ones or the red?
Can i change the size of a resistor on eagle?
I've attached the library with the chip symbol that i made so that somebody can help me by seeing that mistakes that i possibly did.
Thank you