I am a new Eagle user. The more I read about pin direction (ie. I/O,
PWR, IN, Out, etc) the more confused I get. After reading some
tutorials, it would seem that for a voltagge regulator such as the
78LXX, the ground pin should be to "PWR". In the v-reg.lbr included
with Eagle however, ground is set to "In" and out is set to "Pas". This
is inconsistent with an LM2596 in national-semiconductor.lbr that sets
ground to "pwr" and out as "out".
How important are these labels really? Some posts I have read just say
to ignore the ERC warnings generated by inconsistencies. That doesn't
seem like a solution. I am about to layout a somewhat complex board
that will have grounds on one side isolated from grounds on the other.
How will these direction labels affect me?