Hi! First of all, I have been a long time lurker here and the posts on this support forum have been a great help to me. Thanks for this great support. If anyone can help me find the problem, I think this is the place I can find this person.
Here is my problem. I was writing a ULP to help me manage my BOMs. The last thing the ULP does is exit with a command to execute an Eagle script. Eagle started telling me that it cannot find the script. So, obviously, this is dum me who made a mistake so I started searching what I did wrong.
I simplified the problem to simply writing a script by hand that I save in my project folder. Here is the very complicated test script named banana.scr:
Now, when I start eagle, I make sure the correct project is selected (green dot next to the project folder) and I also make sure I can see the script in the Eagle control panel under the said project. I open the schematic of the active project. In the command line, I type script banana. I get the following error:
Maybe I am assuming wrong, but I thought that Eagle would look for the script in all the directories you input in the Directories option and also in your active project folder.
Now, for some more information, when I use the Eagle GUI to run the script (i.e. File->Execute Script...) and browse to the script, it then runs fine. I can close the schematic and open it, the script will still run from command line. However, if I close Eagle and start it again, trying to run the script from command line yields the same error, "Can't find 'banana.scr'".
I am sure it is something I am doing wrong or not understanding properly, but I'm at a dead end here. I'm hoping someone could point me my mistake.
Thanks in advance for the help!